vrijdag 11 september 2015

Meir Ezra: Need Security?

We need security for our money, our jobs and our assets. We want security for our families, our marriages and our friendships.

We want to be free from danger, attack or risk. We do not like fear, anxiety or doubt.

We want to feel safe.

Security is a big business in this world. For example, consider the billions spent on national security, Internet security, financial security, health insurance security and retirement security.

But what truly gives us security? Money? Expertise? Armed forces?

No, because wealthy people, experts and people with weapons feel just as insecure as everyone else.

The security we all want is the ability to determine our course in life. We just want to enjoy a safe, peaceful, prosperous future.

How can we get this kind of security?

"Self-confidence alone is security. Your ability is your security. There is no security but you." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, if you are confident you will be safe in your home, you have security. If you are confident you will earn enough money for all of your expenses, you have financial security. If you are sure you will always be a valuable worker, you have job security.

So why do we feel insecure?

"INSECURITY EXISTS IN THE ABSENCE OF KNOWLEDGE." "All security derives from knowledge." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, if you had the knowledge that you would always have plenty of money for your needs, you would feel secure. If you had the knowledge of how to make your marriage go well, you would have a secure marriage.

KNOWING you will be okay is security.

So how do you reach this level of security?

By increasing your knowledge about work, business, finances, computers, marriage and, of course, successful living.

dinsdag 8 september 2015

Meir Ezra: Orderly Progress = Power

Many of those who wish to succeed find relief and an improved attitude from this quote:


Discouragement and frustration from not making your goals quickly enough are resolved through orderly progress.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so, orderly progress becomes even more important. Confronting huge amounts of work is not overwhelming when you see yourself making orderly progress, even in small amounts, toward your goals.

Do you ever feel like you are losing ground or failing? If you map out your actual goal and move one inch closer on a regular basis, you have new power.

Do you ever feel like you are treading water and going nowhere? It is time for you to focus on some orderly progress.

How do you eat an elephant? How do you move a mountain? How to you reach huge goals? One mouthful, one rock and one step at a time.

Examples: giving a positive impression to one more person; learning one more new skill; lessening one bad habit, investing a few more dollars in savings. Daily progress in a specific direction creates long-term power when the progress is constant and orderly.

If you have been dissatisfied with your progress in life, or if you feel discouraged, overwhelmed or frustrated, make a list of orderly steps you can take every day and every week. Calm, direct, orderly steps.

Once you have your strategy worked out there is no need to worry about the past or the future—just concentrate on the present; on the steps of this plan. By putting order into your progress, nothing and nobody can stop you.

A mountain creek is more powerful than a granite boulder when the creek slowly and surely wears the boulder down. Orderly progress toward your goals starts with small, positive steps.

You can generate new power from this week forward. Deciding to have orderly progress is the first step.

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